March 18 & 19, 2024  –  AT&T Hotel & Conference Center Austin, Texas

Tom Valbak

CEO, Xtellio

AEM round-table: Jobsite Data: Gathering valuable insights beyond the basics


Tom Valbak is the CEO and majority shareholder of Xtellio. He has spent 15 years within IT and the off-highway telematics space, ten of which with the Telematics company Trackunit. Tom led Trackunit’s North American entry, OEM initiatives and lastly the strategic path of a data consolidating platform through APIs (IRIS).

After a successful exit with Trackunit in 2021 he shifted to the company Xtellio – a highly specialised company focusing on standardized IoT sensor and gateway design, development and solution sales with cloud-based API data forwarding. This company has spent almost 20 years as a leading IoT and wireless technology consultancy/development house but has, through new strategic focus and initiatives, turned past projects into standardised products and launched new devices in the past 12 months.

Tom is considered an industry IoT expert and has been used widely as a speaker at industry events, especially with his in-depth knowledge of digitalization challenges within both the North American and European construction segments.